Studio Tour & Art Sales Guidelines
1. Only members in good standing may participate in the Studio Tour & Art Sales.
a. Payment for all tours must be made at time of registration.
b. Tour dates may be adjusted each year to accommodate printing deadlines for Tour maps and brochures.
c. The Tour fee is non-refundable unless the participant has a medical or family emergency. If something else comes up, you are allowed to have someone cover for you.
d. Tour fees are adjusted each year to insure they cover advertising and printing costs. This includes local calendar listings, media advertising, postcards, a color brochure with a map, directional signs, etc.
2. Tour participation is determined by being juried into Artists Along the Bitterroot as a Full or Guest Member.
a. Jury guidelines are reviewed annually.
b. Artists Along the Bitterroot members who maintain continuous membership will not need to be juried for Tour participation unless a majority of their work to be displayed on the tour is in a medium not previously juried for that member.
c. Artists who work in the same studio space and /or address but produce separate arts and projects must pay fees as separate individuals for the Tour.
3. Tour applicants must have a studio or work place to exhibit in and may share studio space with another participant.
a. A Tour participant may invite other AAB members to share their studio for the Tour.
b. An artist who does not live in the Bitterroot Valley must apply and be juried in as a Guest Member before being allowed to participate in the Tour. They can then be a guest artist at a member’s studio. See the Membership page for more details.
4. Fees and application requirements for the Tour are set by the Board of Directors and are reviewed annually.
5. Co-ops may not apply to the Tour for the entire group or a subgroup: all individuals who will have work on display must apply separately. Non-Tour artists shall not be included.
6. Commercial galleries cannot be members of Artists Along the Bitterroot.